The Magical Art paperback edition now shipping

It took a little longer than expected, but we are pleased to let you know that the paperback edition of The Magical Art: An original translation of MS.983, L’Art Magique is now shipping to customers. We have had some unexpected delays with this title – some of you have asked if it will appear on Amazon and the answer is yes, likely at the end of this month. The hardcover edition is currently printing, but we will send out another update when it is ready to ship. There are still some copies available to pre-order, but we don’t expect them to last long.

We have also added a new page to the website where we are posting short service updates. This way we can keep everyone informed of what’s happening without filling your inboxes. Check here before sending an email as your query may have already been addressed. There are two updates there that bear further mention here:

Erzebet and Lucy will be away from 21-23 June for the Magickal Women Conference in Birmingham. Tickets are still available, so if you’d like to come join us, please do! The conference is open to anyone with an interest in magic.

Finally, all of Frater Acher’s titles will be taken out of print at the end of June at his request. This includes Speculum Terrae, Clavis Goetica, and Goetic Atavisms. If you have any questions about this decision, you must ask Frater Acher. We promise there is a good reason, but it is his news to share.

Thank you as ever for your continued support of Hadean Press.


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